What’s Behind the Surge of Wiretapping Lawsuits?

The surge in lawsuits against companies due to third-party data collection on their websites comes from the growing concern over online privacy and data protection. Some attorneys see this as a new opportunity to provide their services. These lawsuits are often filed under wiretapping statutes, such as the federal Wiretap Act and state equivalents, which prohibit the interception of electronic communications without consent.

The Top 4 Web Privacy Challenges for Retailers

Read LOKKER CEO Ian Cohen’s latest article in Total Retail, titled ‘The Top 4 Web Privacy Challenges for Retailers.’ The article emphasizes the importance of protecting customer data and complying with evolving privacy laws in retail.

2023 in Review: The Rise of Healthcare Data Privacy Regulations

This article written for HealthIT Answers delves into the impactful changes in healthcare data privacy regulations enacted in 2023, notably spotlighting the Washington My Health My Data Act (MHMDA). This legislation mandates explicit opt-in consent for gathering specific consumer health data and empowers consumers to litigate against companies for breaches. Key highlights encompass the necessity of a distinct “Consumer Health Privacy Policy” on company websites and the mandate for opt-in consent when sharing data with third parties.

Location tracking and the battle for digital privacy

Check out Lokker CEO Ian Cohen’s latest article, “Location tracking and the battle for digital privacy,” recently published in Help Net Security. It sheds light on significant privacy concerns related to location data collection.

Website Privacy Audit: Steps Companies Should Take

Our latest comprehensive analysis on “Website Privacy and Compliance Challenges” is now available.   While there are LOTS of interesting data in this report, it also highlights actions for web site owners in the continuous process that is privacy compliance.