What’s Your Web Privacy Risk Score?

Easily spot and contextualize web privacy risks

web privacy risk, Web Privacy Risk Score™

The LOKKER Web Privacy Risk Score

LOKKER’s Web Privacy Risk Score allows companies to measure, identify and mitigate web privacy risks at the organization, site or URL level that could lead to a privacy breach, enforcement action, or a lawsuit.

web privacy risk, Web Privacy Risk Score™

How The Risk Score is Calculated

The risk model combines LOKKER’s inspection data with curated metadata and contextual information to assign a risk score for each inspected page. The risk from that single inspection is then aggregated to the site and organization level using a simple average.

The score is based on seven ‘Score Factors’ that further subdivide into 26 Reason Codes. These risk factors are:

  1. Malware Present
  2. Sensitive Data (shared)
  3. Session Replay (detected)
  4. Trackers (number and type)
  5. Cookies (number and type)
  6. Consent
  7. Geographical Risk
Each score factor also receives a letter and color rating so Privacy Edge™ users can understand which risk factors drive up the risk score, allowing them to prioritize what risks to fix on the site.

Benefits of the LOKKER Web Privacy Risk Score™

Get the most up-to-date picture of risk with a new score ranging from 1-1000 (with 1 being the lowest risk possible and 1000 being the highest) generated and assigned daily.

Quickly identify hidden or forgotten pages putting your site at risk. Old web pages, or those managed by different teams, often leverage different types of third-party technology, making some much riskier.

Use the dashboard and trend graph to track and report risk improvements over time to executives.

Quickly identify high-risk websites across a portfolio or pages on a website.

Understand which pages or websites are at risk of a privacy breach, enforcement action, or a lawsuit.

web privacy risk, Web Privacy Risk Score™

Use Privacy Edge to “put a fence” Around your Site:

By providing a virtual fence around all third-party trackers, pixels, tags, and analytics, companies can enforce their privacy rules and protect against oversharing, data loss, and other privacy threats that lead to financial loss and reputational damage.

Control What Third Parties Come In: decrease the surface area of risk without affecting user experience.
Protect What Goes Out: protect PII in every browser session.
Set Geo Controls: Control where customer data goes by geography.
Enforce Your Privacy Policy Opt Out: Get an entire inventory of cookies, trackers, and pixels that load on the client side that may or may not be in your privacy policy.
Respond to privacy warning or incident: In recent months, the Meta Pixel and session recording tools have come under fire for sharing sensitive customer data without consumer consent. Identify and block specific trackers and adtech tools with Privacy Edge across your website or portfolio.

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