LOKKER research featured in HIPAA Journal, “Telehealth Websites are Transmitting Sensitive Health Information to Big Tech Firms”
After a recent study by the Markup found that the majority of telehealth providers share their users sensitive information, LOKKER CEO Ian Cohen weighs in on how and why sensitive data is being shared inadvertently, online every day in this article featured in HIPAA Journal.
New Bulletin by OCR Warns Online Tracking Technologies May Violate HIPAA
The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) at the Department of Health and Human Services Issue a Bulletin to Warn HIPAA-Protected Entities that Online Tracking Technologies May be Sharing ePHI
Privacy Edge PRO Recognized as an Infosec product of the month
LOKKER is proud to be recognized by Help Net Security on their list of InfoSec products of the month for November 2022. Privacy Edge™ PRO, our latest privacy solution that allows companies like cyber insurers, privacy attorneys and eDiscovery firms to quickly identify and mitigate privacy threats across thousands of client websites – in one […]
Data Privacy – Individuals & Companies Waking up to the Threat
Americans are starting to pay more attention to these privacy-related issues in the digital world. It feels like we are reaching some sort of tipping point. Why? Why now? And how will these changes in perception and expectation affect American companies?
AGs Urge Apple to Tighten Health Privacy, Security in Apps
Ten state attorneys general sent a letter to Apple urging the tech giant to address privacy and security gaps in third-party applications available on the App Store that track, collect or store reproductive health data in light of the overturning of Roe vs. Wade.
LOKKER Launches Privacy Edge PRO™ to Help Companies Identify Cyber Threats Across Large Portfolios of Web Properties and Comply With Data Privacy Laws
LOKKER, provider of data privacy and compliance solutions for the enterprise, today announced the availability of LOKKER Privacy Edge PRO™, a cloud-based software solution that automates the rapid analysis of thousands of websites; identifies specific trackers, pixels and cookies; and alerts website owners when their customers’ personal information is at risk.
Data privacy lawsuits explode in healthcare, tech sectors
In this article for Security Magazine, LOKKER CEO Ian Cohen explores how third-party trackers are exploiting patient and customer data, and gives practical advice on how companies can protect themselves.
Social Logins, Increasingly a Liability for Publishers, Are Fading From Sites
Regulatory crackdowns on brands like Sephora bring new urgency to publishers owning their audience. Social media logins on websites have increased the unauthorized sharing of customer data. LOKKER CEO Ian Cohen weighs in on the risks in this Adweek article.
LOKKER Featured in Consumer Affairs Article, “Is ‘session replay software’ a privacy threat or just improving your web experience?”
LOKKER CEO, Ian Cohen, talks with Consumer Affairs about the use of session replay software, recording users’ behavior on websites, and the risk that they could potentially pose to visitors.
Why The Web Browser Is A Company’s Greatest Vulnerability
LOKKER recently analyzed more than 170,000 websites to get better understand the scope and scale of web privacy risks that exist, and published the findings in the second edition of LOKKER’s biannual Online Data Privacy Report, published in October 2022.