LOKKER Announces Advisory Board of Nationally Recognized Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Leaders

Former U.S. Secret Service Chief of Staff, Homeland Security Senior Counsel, and Attorney General of Vermont Bring a Wealth of Experience in Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Issues
New Bulletin by OCR Warns Online Tracking Technologies May Violate HIPAA

The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) at the Department of Health and Human Services Issue a Bulletin to Warn HIPAA-Protected Entities that Online Tracking Technologies May be Sharing ePHI
LOKKER Launches Privacy Edge PRO™ to Help Companies Identify Cyber Threats Across Large Portfolios of Web Properties and Comply With Data Privacy Laws

LOKKER, provider of data privacy and compliance solutions for the enterprise, today announced the availability of LOKKER Privacy Edge PRO™, a cloud-based software solution that automates the rapid analysis of thousands of websites; identifies specific trackers, pixels and cookies; and alerts website owners when their customers’ personal information is at risk.
Why The Web Browser Is A Company’s Greatest Vulnerability

LOKKER recently analyzed more than 170,000 websites to get better understand the scope and scale of web privacy risks that exist, and published the findings in the second edition of LOKKER’s biannual Online Data Privacy Report, published in October 2022.
Online Data Privacy Report

LOKKER scanned 170,000 websites to uncover the scale and scope of web privacy risks and found more than 1.5 million privacy risks lurking on websites. Download the research report to learn more.
Report: LOKKER’s Research of 170,000 Websites Reveals Over 5.1 Million Data Privacy Risks, Amidst Increasing Lawsuits and Legislation Regarding Data Privacy

LOKKER, today launched its second annual research report detailing global online data privacy risks. The research comes at a pivotal moment as enterprises deal both with a boom in lawsuits for data privacy violations they are often unaware they are making, and a need to become compliant with new privacy laws.
LOKKER Featured on Privacy Tech Talk Podcast

LOKKER’s Chief Commercial Officer, Jeremy Barnett, sits down with an interview with Fahid and Carlos, the hosts of the Privacy Tech Talk Podcast. It’s a great discussion about the state of web privacy and LOKKER’S mission to make web browsing a safer experience.
Trackers, Pixels & Tags – Who’s Exploiting Your Website?

Facebook pixels, Twitter links, advertising cookies– most of these third-party scripts are also trackers that collect customer data and share it with a host of downstream partners. Join us for a deep dive into browser privacy risks and the emerging privacy laws that could wreak havoc with your web ops.
Privacy Regulations Are Heating Up

There’s been significant movement on the privacy regulation front in the past few weeks. We’re here to break it down for you, so that if you’re impacted, you can prepare and take action.
LOKKER Announces Launch of Privacy Edge™ to Enable Companies to Protect Customers’ Personal Information

Today, LOKKER, the Silicon Valley-based privacy software start-up, announced the launch of Privacy Edge™, a breakthrough SaaS solution for public-facing websites.