Privacy Regulations Are Heating Up

Business, Technology, Internet and network concept. Labor Law Lawyer Legal.

There’s been significant movement on the privacy regulation front in the past few weeks. We’re here to break it down for you, so that if you’re impacted, you can prepare and take action.

LOKKER Web Privacy Tools [Video]


Privacy is a team effort. Give your team the power of visibility and control with LOKKER. LOKKER’S web privacy platform empowers all stakeholders – marketing, information security, legal and executive teams – with a solution to make their website fast, compliant, private and safe.

Why LOKKER, Why Now? [VIDEO]

Lokker Video

LOKKER Founder and CEO, Ian Cohen, and LOKKER Chief Commercial Officer, Jeremy Barnett, discuss the impetus for founding LOKKER, including the problems faced by both consumers and companies when

Cyber Privacy Risk Management Survey [INFOGRAPHIC]


We surveyed 100 IT leaders to see how they managed client-side user data access by third parties and discovered widely accepted operational practices that seem at odds with common sense privacy standards.